

  • 乘客14

的 湾流G450 is a long-range 和 modern twin-engine business jet that can accommodate up to 14 passengers in luxurious surroundings.


  • 的 湾流G450 received certification in 2004 和 entered service in 2005.
  • 一些高密度的内饰可以容纳16名乘客, 然而,大多数都是为14人准备的, 四个人躺在一张大沙发上.
  • 这架飞机能飞行大约8英里,000公里,不间断飞行超过9个小时, 完成跨大西洋和跨海岸的美国航班.
  • 它的行李舱最多可容纳12个行李箱.
  • G450的生产于2018年停止

湾流G450是G450的直系衍生产品 计划投入 升级版G400. 以G400的机身为特色 G550移植了他的鼻子部分, its fuselage is 12 inches longer than the original 计划投入 with added modern touches 和 upgraded technology.


的 G450’s spacious cabin can be configured to seat up to 16 passengers or sleep 6, but typically carries 14 on a mix of single 和 double leather seats 和 a four-person divan.

的re’s a large enclosed lavatory at the rear 和 a well-appointed galley at the front, 加上169立方英尺的内部行李空间.

一些车型配备了“精英内饰”。, which allows passengers to adjust the lighting 和 temperature, view flight information 和 call the attendant to their specific seat.

Below is a st和ard configuration found on a 湾流G450.


  • 湾流的大, oval signature windows flood the cabin with natural light 和 are positioned so you can see the world below from the comfort of your seat.
  • G350 is a shorter-range version of the G450 that received certification in 2004. 
  • G450在2005年展示了它的速度, setting a city-pair record by flying from Washington DC to Luton, 英格兰, in six hours 和 12 minutes at an average speed of Mach 0.85.


的 湾流G450 is powered by two Rolls-Royce Tay 611-8C engines, 每个都有13个,850磅推力.

在驾驶舱内, 飞机的控制完全是电传的, with no mechanical link between the pilot 和 flight surfaces. 的 Honeywell Primus Epic Gulfstream PlaneView system is one of the most advanced flight decks in business aviation, presenting critical flight status information on 14-inch LCD screens arranged in a l和scape format.

标配, Gulfstream's Enhanced Vision System enhances situational awareness at night or in adverse weather conditions by giving pilots a clear picture of runway markings, 滑行道和当地景观. Gulfstream also offers Synthetic Vision Primary Flight Display as an option to increase the level of safety.


1983年3月, 湾流开始研发G450的前身, 的投入, 作为一个重新启动的引擎, 湾流III的伸缩机身衍生型. A wing redesign lowered cruise drag 和 added fuel-carrying capacity, 增加飞机的航程超过555公里.

的 first 计划投入 made its maiden flight in September 1985 和 received FAA type certification in April 1987, 在那年晚些时候进入商业服务之前. 的 model was upgraded to the special-purpose 计划投入-SP version in 1993 和 later redesignated as the G400.

G450的研发工作于2001年开始. 改进后的飞机比G400稍长, 采用G550的前机身和更大的驾驶舱. G450于2004年8月获得FAA认证. 同年晚些时候开始制作,并于2018年结束.


Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation is an American aircraft company based in Savannah, 乔治亚州 和 a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Dynamics. 这家公司后来发展成为湾流宇航公司. started in the late 1950s when Grumman Aircraft Engineering Co., 以生产军用飞机而闻名, developed a twin-turboprop business aircraft at its facilities in Bethpage, 纽约, 叫做格鲁曼湾流I (G-I).

现在, 湾流设计, 发展, 生产, markets 和 services the latest business jet aircraft 和 has produced more than 2,自1958年以来的000.


A 湾流G450 cost around $39 million (USD) when it was first released. 现在adays, prices range from $9 million for a 2005 model 和 $21.5 million for a 2017 model, according to Aircraft Bluebook's summer 2022 data.


租船合同利率 for the 湾流G450 can vary greatly depending on the length of the journey you have planned, 以及你决定飞进和飞出的机场.

Contact our offices to book a private charter flight on the 湾流G450. For details of other private jets to charter, browse our list of available aircraft.


整线(飞机, 机组人员, 维护, Insurance) wet lease rates for the G450 vary depending on aircraft age, 租赁期限, 保证块小时数和平均周期比.


Speak directly with an ACS broker to discuss your requirements


  • 飞机类型 沉重的飞机
  • 乘客 14
  • 巡航速度 980公里/小时
  • 范围 8047公里/ 5000英里


  • 行李空间 169英尺³
  • 封闭式厕所 是的
  • 空姐 是的
  • 压舱 是的



  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

